I am currently the Director of MathILy, a Research Associate at Bryn Mawr College, and an instructor at the Art of Problem Solving.
Some years back, I became a topological graph theorist while I wasn't looking. I
am also interested in convex and combinatorial geometry, topology, algebra, the
applications of mathematics to fiber arts (knitting, sewing), pharmacokinetics,
integer programming, the geometry of paperfolding, and algebraic geometry. As
time goes on, I seem to like more and more areas of mathematics...
...and that pretty much goes for my teaching interests as well. I've taught
most of the standard undergraduate mathematics classes (as well as some
less-standard classes of my own invention) and loved them all. I have yet to
teach a course I disliked, in fact.
We all use math everyday
to predict the weather
to tell time
to handle money
Math is more than formulas and equations
it's logic
it's rationality
it's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know
(from the NUMB3RS ex-opening
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