Mathematical Institute for Research at Topping Hollow

There just aren't enough research centers for mathematics in the United States, so we decided it was high time to create another one. (Thanks to Carolyn Yackel for the suggestion.) MIRTH will operate for the 2005-2006 academic year.

We are currently seeking proposals for focused visits to be held at MIRTH's facility in Belchertown. see Scope below.

Visitors: A list of MIRTH visitors will be posted as schedules are finalized; we have five visitors in process as of this writing.

Preprints: Manuscripts developed partially or entirely under the auspices of MIRTH will be listed here.

Scope: MIRTH is interested in projects related to the specialties of any Scientific Research Board Member. Proposals are welcome from current and potential collaborators; send proposals in TeX or plain text to either belcastro or Hull.

Visitor Support: The MIRTH facility has a dedicated guest area as well as dual-purpose housing and office space. Housing and on-site meals are provided to all MIRTH visitors; we do not have funds for travel or per diems.

Scientific Research Board: Our SR Board members are dr. sarah-marie belcastro and Dr. Thomas C. Hull.

Sponsors/Affiliates: Work at MIRTH is directly supported by Merrimack College and indirectly supported by Xavier University and AK Peters. Our closest affiliate is HCSSiM.

Staff: belcastro, Hull, Sean Kinlin (chef)

Advisory Board: belcastro, Hull

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